
Google Will Track Your Flight

Posted on Posted in Google, Resources

Airline Hassles

Have any of you ever flown anywhere on an airplane?  Most likely you have.  Have you been frustrated with hassles and stresses resulting from airline delays, flight and baggage restrictions, or any number of other unexpected problems?  There are so many hassles and stressful situations that can come up with the airlines these days.  You have to make sure you check only the correct number of bags and they have to be a certain size and weight.

An Airplane

Another hassle which arises is the need to track your flight.  Airline delays are inevitable as we all know, but they can cause stress if we do not know what time our flight is taking off or how long it will be delayed.  Let’s say you need to pick up a family member at the airport and you want a quick and easy way to track the flight without waiting on hold for what seems like forever with the customer service line at the airline your family member is flying on.  Or having to browse the airline’s website trying to search the specific flight number.  Some airline websites are difficult to navigate and need to know instantly what the status of a particular flight.

Google to the Rescue: Track Your Flight

If you know the airlines and flight number of the flight you need to track, you can simply enter the airline and flight number and you will get not only the most recent upcoming flight for that particular flight number, but the next one after that as well if there is one.  You can search using any airline.  Check out the image below.  I entered Delta #432 and see what came up:


Delta Flight: Track on Google
Track Your Flight: Delta Airlines

Next, I researched and found an airline with two flight numbers, both flying on the same day.  On the airline’s website, it was difficult to discern the correct one you needed, but with Google, you get a more accurate and quick glance at the two different flight times and destinations.

Track Your Flight
Track Your Flight: United Airlines

Southwest Airlines is an airline I frequently travel on and is one of the most popular.  I tested this theory with Southwest using a common flight my family members will embark on.

Southwest Airlines: Track Your Flight
Track Your Flight: Southwest Airlines

I hope this post will help you with planning flight departures and arrivals.  If I can remove a little bit of the stress from airline travels, then I have done my job here.  There are many ways in which utilizing Google can help us achieve our end results.  Many tricks and techniques are available through using Google.  Google has become a very versatile as well as the most popular search engine allowing for ease of use.  I will be talking about Google more often in future posts, specifically as a means to use Google to build a website and learn new skills such as effective ways to make money online.

Steph Hill

Greetings! It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Stephanie and the aim of this website is to help newcomers to the field of internet marketing by providing free easy-to-follow tutorials, product reviews and resources. I hope you find the information useful and down-to-earth. My background is in librarianship, technical writing, special education, software training and web design. Please leave a comment with your questions and I will be happy to answer them.

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10 thoughts on “Google Will Track Your Flight

    1. Hi Randy!

      Thank you for reading my article and I am glad to hear you learned something new today about Google Have a great day!


  1. Hey,

    I loved your post Google just keeps coming up with new things, it is so hard to keep up with them. And I loved the pictures and the examples you had, it was very effective keep it up.

    Sincerely, Melissa 🙂

    1. Hi Melissa!

      I am glad you enjoyed the resource on Google and you are right – Google does a great job with keeping up on coming out with new things.


  2. Dear Stephanie,

    This was such a great Post. 🙂 I never knew something like this existed on Google. I will be more better prepared than before since I learned something interesting to make me stress free the next time I decide to travel by airplane. 🙂


    1. Hi Angel:

      I am delighted this was a helpful post for you to use the next time you travel. Thank you for leaving a comment. Have an awesome day and come back soon because I will be discussing Google in more detail coming up.


      1. Oh I plan to. Google gets more and more interesting each day that comes and goes. 🙂
        They never cease to surprise me. 🙂 I just hope one day I can surprise them in return if you know what I mean by that. Thank you so much Steph for your awesome help. 😉

        1. Hi Angel:

          I think I do know what you mean Angel — you plan on making it big yourself someday in the world of the world wide web. 🙂 And I have no doubt you will succeed. Thank you again for stopping by.


        2. This is a really neat new thing that Google has added to their long list of nifty little tricks. I sometimes fly and this will definitely help me next time I travel. Are they are any other Google products that you can recommend? I can tell you have much information to share.

          1. Hi Afzal:

            I am glad you found the Google Track Your Flight took useful. As far as other Google products, there are many other resources one can tap into depending on your needs. For instance, if you have a blog or website, you can use Google Analytics which helps you track the traffic you are getting to your website. Come back soon!


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